Sunday, July 15, 2012

How to change language setting of Canon Print dialog box

Well, this has been quite annoying so far. I just purchased a brand new canon MG5250 multifunction printer and default installer didn't even ask me for language I would like to choose. Here is a small guilt admission; I am in Switzerland and I dont speak yet any of the official Swiss language i.e. German or French or Italian yet. But unfortunately, the probability of finding people like me was considered as little as of a Meteorite hitting earth in 2012 by Canon SW designers, who steadfastly assumed that if the printer is being installed in Swiss German speaking area, it must be in German :-) Wunderbar!

Well, finally I found that there is a fast way to change the language setting of the printer dialog box apart from reinstalling and messing up your Windows settings. I believe this would be applicable for most of the Canon products as well. So here it goes....

Just open the print dialog menu; and browse till the last tab (Called Maintenence in English) and press "About" button. Depending upon your current language of installation, the text would vary but I am sure you would be able to reach till right buttons.

As soon as the About Us dialog opens, you see a language button. Bingo! Here it is.

Just select the language you want and press OK and close the printer settings completely. Next time you open it, it would be into your preferred language.
